Artist extraordinaire Jacqueline Penton Skipp takes these sessions.
The classes are suitable both for the complete art beginner and people who wish to explore a new medium. You will learn about the colour wheel and the mixing of colours as well as using different media with acrylics to create interesting effects.
Drawing skills are not required but are encouraged with some basic skills being taught. Acrylics is a very forgiving medium that allows you to let your creativity freely out onto the canvas.
Classes are run once a week for a 10 week term on an on-going basis.
The course fee includes the use of studio materials and coffee/tea but excludes canvases. There is no need to purchase a canvas for your first class.
Beginners work on special paper rather than canvases until they feel that they wish to move on. Some students don’t move to canvases at all in the first term. The reason we don’t include them in the cost is that they vary greatly in quality, size and therefore price. A small starter canvas is about $6.00 and a slightly bigger and better one would be $13.00. We stock a small number of them but don't have much room for more. We will let you know where you can purchase canvases when you are ready.
Class Fee:
$395 per 10 week term
Class Times:
Monday: 10.00am - 12.30pm
Wednesday: 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Saturday: 1.30pm - 4.00pm